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  • 3.4k 1k
    Helping Projects Done
    Best thing about Antek is to earn some on their equipments.
  • 25+ 10+
    Years In Rent Business
    Best thing about Antek is to earn some on their equipments.
  • 18+ 10+
    Received Awards So far
    Best thing about Antek is to earn some on their equipments.
  • 5.9% 0%
    Earned Revenue This Year
    Best thing about Antek is to earn some on their equipments.
About Heavy Machine Rental
We Offer Smarter & More
Affordable Access To Rent
Construction Equipment
Rent heavy equipment easily with just a few clicks and your location. We also provide document related support (agreement/TAX/VAT) etc. If you have any question related to our service, Please call us at our 24/7 hotline.

Less Expensive Facilities

Cheaper compared to conventional broker for heavy equipment rental.

Biggest Heavy Equipment Rental Platform

We are the biggest heavy equipment rental platform in Bangladesh
We Promise To Find You The Right Equipment
Get Your Required Equipment In Easy Steps
Search your equipment from our list.
Compare the performances of different kind of equipments.
Check for the available date from the calendar and reserve the equipment for your project.
Start your project when it needs. You don't have to worry about the equipment arrival anymore.
We Help Industry To Utilize The Heavy Equipment Work Better
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We Help Industry To Utilize The Heavy Equipment Work Better
Why Choose Heavy Machine Rentals
Heavy Machine Is The Best Choice For Heavy Equipment Rental
Choose the right equipment from our list of available equipment any time or contact us if you can't decide which one is the best for you. We will be there for your support.
Worried About The Idling Equipment Parking At Yard?
Start listing your equipment(s) with us today!
We Promise To Find You The Right Equipment
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We Promise To Find You The Right Equipment
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